Sexual Assault

Rep. Howard Shares SAFE-Ready Grant Opportunity

Rep. Howard, working with members of the House Appropriations Committee and the Governor’s Office, secured several million dollars in grant funding for the maintenance and establishment of Sexual Assault Forensic Exam-Ready (SAFE-Ready) certification. These grants are intended to incentivize hospitals to provide a higher standard of care for survivors of sexual assault. Please review the grant announcement and FAQ for those who may be interested in applying. The deadline is August 6, 2020.

Click the images below to get a link to the pdf.

Rep. Howard letter to Congressional

The Debbie Smith Act provided essential funding for DNA evidence collected in rape kits, and it has done an incredible amount to decrease the sexual assault kit backlog. Since its ratification in 2004, the Debbie Smith Act was continuously renewed with overwhelming bipartisan support. On September 30th, however, funding for the program expired. Last Session, the Texas legislature was able to increase funding on resources for crime labs and sexual assault nurse examiners, but many state facilities were also counting on federal funding. This is why I sent a letter to the U.S. Congressional Representatives who cover my district (Rep. Roy, Rep. Williams, and Rep. McCaul), urging them to renew the Debbie Smith Act. Sexual assault is a non-partisan issue, and it should be treated that way. I encourage everyone to stand with survivors and to tell your US House Representative and Senators to pass the Debbie Smith Act.

Click through the image below if you want to use my letter as a template.